Be Informed
Defence Anglican Chaplains work in an environment that encompasses the life of people who have given their lives to the interests of Australia’s well-being and prosperity.
Find below an information overview of Defence Anglican Chaplaincy and those who serve in that environment.
The links below will take you to more detailed pages.
Information Overview
The Chaplain aims to be bridge between both individuals and Jesus, and the Anglican Church and the enveloping society.
- What is a Chaplain
- What Chaplains do
- Speak to a Chaplain
- Become a Chaplain
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Financially supporting Defence Anglican Chaplaincy
Since the Boer War (1899-1902) the Australian Government has employed Chaplainson either a full time or part-time basis to meet the spirital and welfare needs of unifromed people.
What we do
Pastoral Care
Religious Services
Spiritual Guidance
Advice to Command
Religious Leader Engagement
Leadership is vital in the role of Chaplains. Withn Defence Anglican Chaplains understand:
- Current leadership
- Governance
- Financial Support
- Creating Safe Ministries
- Charity Status
At root of our being there is a deep seated passion that drives the ministry of a Chaplain. They are found in what we believe and the Fundamental declarations of the Anglican Church in Australia.
Our Services are diverse and rich and we provide resources to assist everyone in some way for: